Volunteer Agreement

1. I agree to adhere to a high standard of moral and ethical conduct.

2. I agree that all arrangements for my travel and comfort are my responsibility.

3. I agree to abstain from using any alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or drugs not prescribed by my physician at any time that I am working with CB.

4. I agree to provide my own medical insurance and to consult with my own physician concerning my health needs as a CB volunteer.

I agree to treat local healthcare providers, community leaders, and patients with respect. I acknowledge that I am from a different culture and therefore may be unaware of the subtleties and customs of the Micronesian context. I will do my best to understand and respect the culture and those that live within it. When I return home, they will remain to carry on the work of creating a healthy community.

6. I agree to settle any disputes directly with CB and, if unresolved, with an arbitration agency of our mutual agreement.

7. I agree that, as a volunteer, I am making this agreement in full knowledge of what I am doing and that I will hold Canvasback Missions, Inc., financially harmless for any damage or injury caused by my own actions or by events which would be considered accidental and preventable in nature.

8. Canvasback agrees to provide as much assistance as possible concerning travel arrangements, scheduling and notifications of mission expectations. However, CB operates on limited, donated funds and cannot anticipate actions which may change the ability to provide such assistance to the volunteer.

9. CB and I, the volunteer, will work closely with local healthcare providers, community leaders, and government officials to carry out our mission. We attempt to meaningfully address the health needs of Micronesia by working in a partnership of respect and service.

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